
Welcome to How to be a RED! Follow along as I share my rollercoaster ride of stories from work and life. Powered by the good, the bad and the ugly experiences from a 30-something, entrepreneur and science professional with a bold RED personality.

As for the baking, who doesn’t love a sweet treat?! Plus, sharing is caring. Happy to support the local passion of Bisous Doux Baking. Adding a dash of sweetness and dollop of GREEN into this site of REDness. It balances out perfectly.

The objective is transparency and sharing personality interactions that happen in the real world. I’m speaking out to public groups and entrepreneurs because being a bold personality isn’t easy. Neither is being led by one. Insights on adversity and empowerment for entrepreneurs, teams and individuals looking to navigate the space between individual personalities and success. We want to collaborate with you. Contact us to connect!

Why Red?

My journey into the world of RED awareness started with the Insights Discovery® evaluation. Based on Jungian psychology, the assessment is a series of behavioural questions that lead to a better understanding of who we are, what we do, and why we do it – essentially, your personality ‘type’. RED is one of four personality types. Dominant REDs and friendly YELLOWs are more extroverted, while analytical BLUEs and caring GREENs lean towards introversion. Being a strong RED often leads to some impressive clashing with others, but also provides never ending life lessons on how to take on the world and be a better you. For more information see https://www.insights.com/products/insights-discovery/ or https://www.discprofile.com/what-is-disc/overview/.


Personality Types:

REDs: determined, competitive, strong-willed, decisive, bold, task oriented

YELLOWs: persuasive, socialable, expressive, friendly, desire to be included

BLUEs: cautious, objective, analytical, precise, logical, questioning

GREENs: patient, caring, calming, sharing, feelings oriented

Source: modified from Insights Discovery®