The Contributors


DY - HOW TO BE A RED Creator

Small city Saskatchewan raised, Albertan since 2006. Downtown Calgary professional by day, side business hustler by nights and weekends. Creative entrepreneur with a serious addiction to travelling the world. Truly passionate about all things organization (the high-end of Type A), making connections with crowds and continuous self-betterment. No desire to ever stop pushing personal boundaries or settle within comfort zones. A dreamer, disruptor and daring personality who is unafraid to share personal adventures with the world.


BD - Bisous Doux Baking Contributor

100% non-RED, Alberta grown, caring young professional millennial knows when it’s time to unplug and disconnect - baking is the creative outlet. Bisous (little kiss) Doux (sweet) was inspired by a work term in France where trips to the patisserie were frequent and valued as much as the classroom learnings. Now, baking provides a self-reflective time for keeping the inner peace. Most passionate about flour, sugar and butter (key ingredients in any French patisserie), but also loves to experiment with alternatives and the latest health trends.