
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Decade in Review - BYE 2019

A Decade in Review - BYE 2019

Bye 2019 - Farewell to the last ten years

It was a decade of ‘firsts’ with more ups and downs then I could imagine, but I wouldn’t change a thing

2019 - I can finally close the book on one of the toughest years and reflect back on the last decade. It truly feels like a fresh start and I am ready to turn over a new leaf. The beginning of 2010 till now saw some extreme changes from being a student, to becoming a homeowner, to starting my own businesses. The last ten years was a transition into adulthood and I had to learn to walk on my own two feet outside the sheltered world of home and school.

It was a decade of ‘firsts’. I had my own money for the first time. I cautiously waded into my first serious relationship. I felt deep rooted love for the first time. I went on my first travelling adventure overseas. I was let go from my first job. I purchased my first home. I launched my first small business. I had my heart broken into a million pieces for the first time. I discovered what true friendship and support meant for the first time. It was filled with so many brand new adventures, experiences and life lessons. I hope that the next ten years of life teaches me, guides me and tests me as much as the last ten.


As I look back at the last decade through the lens of someone ten years older, I can’t help but think about what I would want to say to early twenties me. I’d want to say, “You can’t control everything and things will work out because they always do.” I’d tell her during dark days that she’s stronger than she thinks. I’d tell her she will find a company that accepts her strengths and lets her grow. I’d tell her to let go of expectations from others and book the trip, do all the things and take the risks. I’d tell her it’s okay to be vulnerable and to let people in. I’d tell her that mending a broken heart takes time, but it will heal. I’d tell her she has and always will be enough. I’d tell her how proud I am. I’d want to say all these things – but I wouldn’t. I’d let younger me go through the pain, walk up hill both ways and discover her strength along the way in order to get to exactly the point I am at right now.

I reflect each year on the previous, but never on the last ten. I scrolled through my Google photos, Instagram and Facebook to recount some of the highlights. I travelled to every continent (except Antarctica) – often visiting the more than once through the years. I thought I found my forever person…twice, and subsequently had my heart broken…twice. I cracked open my robot-level emotional intelligence and now see/experience the world in full color, rather than my annual drunk cry session. I am still friends with most of the core group I had in university. I started engaging in new activities like skiing, snowshoeing, floral arranging and calligraphy. My friends started to get married, think about babies, actually have babies and decide to end their marriages. I switched companies three times. My little sister moved to the city and we had the opportunity to become much closer. I’ve had countless hangovers, nights I’ll never forget, and nights I wish I could forget. I can’t wait to see, hear and feel what the next decade has in store. Bring it on.

Nice to Meet You, I’m a RED-YELLOW

Nice to Meet You, I’m a RED-YELLOW

Celebrate All the Wins

Celebrate All the Wins