Nice to Meet You, I’m a RED-YELLOW
We are a combination of personality traits from different colors - not one color fits all
My RED versus YELLOW behavioural tendencies show up in different social situations – both are true and authentic
I am a true RED personality with all the associated strengths and weaknesses. However, my personality assessment also reveals I have high YELLOW behavioural tendencies. I am bold enough to go against the grain, however, at the end of the day I want to feel included and accepted. Upon first impression some will instantly recognize my RED demeanor, while others perceive me to be more YELLOW. REDs are outspoken, direct and speak their opinions freely, while YELLOWs can be described as charismatic, friendly and enthusiastic. In social situations I can be a bubbly entertainer with non-stop chatter, and other times I am quiet and only speak when I have a something (often blunt) to say. For those who know me as being extremely sociable, my moments of quiescence are often misinterpreted as standoffish, uninterested and rude. Every individual will have a primary personality color, but will display qualities from the other color quadrants.
A new friend asked why I have two ‘versions’ of myself in different social situations. They were accustom to my energetic YELLOW social butterfly state and were confused why I was so off-putting in some settings. I explained that both ‘versions’ are very much authentic and my demeanor depends on the situation. If I am surrounded by other YELLOWs, I generally shift towards my YELLOW social mannerisms. If I am with a trusted group where I feel completely safe, I tend to display more YELLOW characteristics. It’s impossible for me to be ‘on’ all the time and being bubbly and bright in every social situation isn’t sustainable or true to myself.
I don’t consciously think about being RED or YELLOW. However, it is not uncommon that someone feels unsure about me upon first meeting because of my seemingly rude and harsh first impression. Individuals have warned newcomers by saying, “She’s going to seem like she hates you at first, but once you get to know her she’s fine.” Ouch. A RED-heavy introduction will often be followed by more YELLOW-like interactions if the relationship progresses. My YELLOW needs include acceptance from my peers and it hurts when some people only enjoy and accept part of my personality.
Everyone has several personality attributes outside of their primary color. It is important to remember that your personality type isn’t a template for the way you must live your life, and it certainly doesn’t wholly define you. Different circumstances such as fear, highs stress, trauma and other heightened emotional states bring out different aspects of your personality and none of them are wrong. As long as you decide to show up authentically, your close friends and partners should accept all of the multifaceted and complex qualities that make of you, you. You’re fantastic the way you are.